Who will be presenting at TEDxNASA?

In the TED tradition, a variety of presenters, from scientists to musicians, artists to authors, teachers to consultants, and even a working astronaut, will all have opportunities to “give the speech of their life in eighteen minutes.” As thought leaders in their respective disciplines, in the context of our conference theme “Space to Create”, each will contribute a unique Idea Worth Spreading. A partial list of speakers, together with brief biographies each, is updated periodically and can be found here.

When will tickets for TEDxNASA be available to the public?

It is very unusual for any conference organizers to offer invitations for participation to the general public, and the TED organization is no different. Even when invited, conferences are sometimes prohibitively expensive to attend. However, as this is an independently organized TED event, we are pleased to have the ability to offer a substantial block of tickets to our local community for FREE, starting at 9AM on Saturday, November 14, 2009. Additionally, any unused tickets allocated to original invitees will be added to those which can be accessed for free by the general public.

How do I obtain the tickets set aside for community access?

Tickets will be made available via Eventbrite beginning 9AM November 14. This website can also be accessed by clicking on the "Register Here button".

What if I can’t get a ticket?

No ticket, no problem! Courtesy of LiveStream, the event will be streaming live, available for anyone, anywhere with a computer to watch, for FREE, simply by going to our website on Novemeber 20th at 10AM. There will be high quality videos of each speaker available on the TEDxNASA website soon after the event takes place. The program is designed with both the live and virtual participants in mind. Anyone will be able to benefit from this remarkable event, wherever they access it.

What if I am unable to attend in person or virtually on November 20th?

Post-production videos of the event will be available on the TEDxNASA website. And, in the tradition of TED, all of the presentations will be available to the TED organization to select and feature at their discretion at TED.com. Again, the program is designed with both the live and virtual participants in mind, whether accessed real time or at their convenience post-conference. Everyone will have an opportunity to participate and benefit, however, wherever and whenever they chose for this extraordinary event.

This event is not being organized by the TED conferences — this is an independently organized TEDx event operated under license from TED.